Possible Magazine Names

I have decided upon three possible names for my magazine. They are listed below with reason for and against choosing each.

1. Sixth

This title gets right to the point and immediately points out the target audience of the Magazine, which is effective when attracting readers. This title could be a good choice but might not stand out against other magazines of the same type.

2. Petrichor

I like this name because it's different to the usual names you would expect to see as the title of a school magazine. Hopefully this would make it stand out and seem like a unique read. 
The word 'Petrichor' has Greek origins and is the word used when describing the smell of Earth after rain.  

3. BCHS Magazine 

The name of the school. This title is simple and boring but immediately gets across to the reader what can be expected from the magazine. I don't think that this will be my final choice as it is by far the least interesting of the three. 

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