Points to Consider

I decided that the target audience for my magazine should be people in year 12 and 13 who attend sixth form at Brentwood County High. This will allow me to focus my content and tailor the product to a specific reader.

The magazine title will be Petrichor. I decided on this name as it was a popular choice among those who completed my questionnaire and also because it's one of my favourite words. I think that because it is quite unique in both look and sound, people will be attracted to read it. 

Front Cover

My front cover will include the following to make sure that it conforms to the conventions of a school magazine;
  • The Masthead
  • BCHS Logo 
  • Main image - related to the main story inside the magazine
  • Tag-lines to show some other stories included in the magazine 

Contents Page

My contents page will include the following;
  • Welcome to BCHS
  • Revision tips for A level
  • After school clubs
  • Competition - Win a week's worth of lunch passes 

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